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These are challenging times. How will I respond?

COVID-19. I know, you see that and your mind gets going. With sheltering at home, jobs eliminated or at a minimum paused, and no known date for when it may “end”, it is challenging to find the good in it. Instead for those in the job market when COVID-19 starting shaking up the world or perhaps pushed into the job market because of it, challenging may actually feel impossible. It is understandable if you feel like simply freezing in place hoping it all ends soon – lots of TV, binge watching series and movies, social media, frequent travel to the kitchen to see if anything appeared in the cupboard or refrigerator since the last trip, etc. I know I have moments where I literally stop, seemingly waiting for it all to be done and life to be “normal” again.

I am grateful for frequent moments of clarity when I remember that every situation is truly personal. How I respond is my choice. I need to decide what actions will best support me. When looking for a new professional opportunity (i.e., job and income!), one of those actions is using some proven methods for finding and connecting with opportunities – research, networking, getting out there with a well written and focused resume that shows how you are a key investment in your next employer’s success (i.e., why hiring you is a great decision).  Another step is using this “break” to consider what you want. Remember this is your life. Is it time to consider working less and spending more time creating and doing what you may have put off because you were too busy and would get to it later? Perhaps serve more with an organization whose work resonates with your heart, paint, write that book, build your own consulting or coaching business, etc. This unique “shelter in place” moment may allow a bit more time for us to make a shift that has been calling. Or perhaps reaffirm the path we have been on and reveal ways to make the path even more rewarding. If any of this resonates with you, you might take some time to consider: ·      When the last situation ended, were you doing what you wanted to be doing? Were you even surprised when it ended? Or after some additional thought, did you know it was due to happen…soon? Had you known for a while that something needed to change? ·      If money were not a consideration, what would you be doing?  The same or something different? If different, what would it be? How do you see your time at work? What are you contributing? How does it feel? When you go home, do you feel accomplished and full? How does your family feel? Are they happy you are in this job? ·      Speaking of money – do take time to fully understand your financial situation. Detail your expenses. (I find it helps to look at them both monthly and annually so that my review, and budget, doesn’t miss any less frequent expenses.) Then detail your income. This will give you a good view into what you need as you explore options and consider want you want and how to get there. 

When fear seems to be in the driver’s seat, taking action will help put you back in that seat. You are really the one in charge. While it may not be clear how you will get through what is happening in the moment and transition to what you will be doing, this is your life and it continues now regardless of what is happening around you. Give yourself the gift of a few moments to consider what you love, what you really want to do. With even a hint of direction, you will find there are plenty of resources willing and able to support you on your way.

Enjoy the journey.

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